Feeling the need for solitude and exploration, I embarked on a personal journey of peace and loneliness. A state often easy to avoid and ignore in our fast-paced, technology-filled modern life. Inspired by a novel, I chose a small mystical island in the Aegean Sea as my destination. This island, with its many rocks and few inhabitants, is a place where the wind never ceases and sheep roam at night like floating spirits. I went there to think and reflect, using photography as a medium for a conversation between myself and the island. Seeing a reflection of my internal state in plants battling the harsh rocky landscape. Photographing calm, awe-inspiring scenes that evoke transience, insignificance, and hope. Capturing the angst and shiver of solitude in eery moonlit landscapes and documenting the grounding and fleeting encounters with the people who call this landscape home. In its exhibition form, visitors are welcomed by the calm photographic prints on the outside of the installation and invited explore its inside where a photobook of the project is presented. Containing photographs from this journey in which I was searching for a love that couldn’t be found again.

Discovering the rural Netherlands was a search deeply connected to strangeness and beauty. Often seeing the vernacular aspects of the Dutch landscape which from my outsider perspective seemed, at first, like imperfections, stemming out of my idea of Dutch landscape. Over time I came to think of them as traces of the people past and present who inhabited it, leaving behind bits of their culture and character in the way they interacted with their environment and how they shaped it. Gradually changing land into landscape, we see today, making it unmistakably Dutch.

Should we dream again? Plan - B is a story about the current debate on nuclear energy in Slovenia Inherited from a nuclear dream of a republic that no longer exists. Most Nuclear powerplants around the world are relatively old now and will be decommissioned soon, without actions and steps towards building new nuclear energy infrastructure. In search of solutions for climate change we might have to dream again.

Silent Presence
The power and scale of our need for energy hidden in plain sight. Experienced as a lurking force of change, the movement of earth, low frequency hum of mining equipment and the working lights shining in the night sky. Villages, forests, and land standing in the way of its expansion offering little resistance. Opposition comes from ideas, acted out in protests, occupations and policy decisions which gradually guide our search for energy in new directions, in light of a future where our desire to live fully doesn’t constrict our life. However, for now, the lights are on and the coal keeps burning.

A Ligth’s shadow
I hold darkness close to my heart as I grew up in a place with much less light pollution than in the Netherlands and believe it is a place to distance oneself from the 24h economy and the constant quest for productivity which is reflected in the omnipresence of light in modern cities and due to skyglow more secluded areas as well. This project represents my journey of annoyance with this unnecessary light, embarking on a search for a darker place of peace and escape from the bright signature of our society. But the search persists, darkness is nowhere to be found. Left in light’s shadow is the fear of facing ourselves.